Driver Risk Assessments

The ability to risk assess your drivers allows you to make an informed decision as to which employees would benefit from further training or education, allowing you to take steps to reduce driver risk, encourage safer driving and reduce the number of accidents.

Our Service

Our driver risk profiling tools quickly highlight any areas where your drivers may be at higher risk of a collision. Areas of profiling include:

  • Attitude – drivers are asked to consider their driving
  • Knowledge – questions are extracted from the Highway Code
  • Skills – hazard awareness and reflection

The system is simple to use and comes with a system of alerts to quickly identify problem areas or ‘at risk’ drivers allowing targeted interventions.

How Does the Service Operate?

Risk assessments can either be set up for all of your drivers at a frequency to suit you, or they can be triggered via the online portal. You have the ability to set the appropriate parameters. For example when a driver reaches a specified number of penalty points, the service can trigger an automatic online assessment to be sent to your driver. Alerts for managers can also be automatically triggered at the same time.

Drivers will automatically receive compulsory e-learning modules where applicable. Each risk assessment login per driver lasts for one year, together with the e-learning modules. This means you can reassess or re assign non-compulsory e-learning free of charge within that time period